How is Python Gaining Popularity Over The Programming World?

Python is one of the languages experiencing phenomenal development and popularity each year. Among various programming languages, Python is the fastest-growing and most demanding scripting language, and it is predicted that it will surpass all other programming languages in the future. 

If you want to become a python developer or programmer, you can join Python Training in Bangalore, which will help you understand the python features, tools, and libraries. 

Moreover, it is the top programming language utilized in various fields, including AI and ML. In this blog, we shall discuss why Python is popular and what is Python programming language. 

What are the features of python programming language, and Why is Python so Popular?

Simple to Use and Learn

Compared to other programming languages like Java, and PHP, Python is easy to code and understand for the novice because of its simple syntax. Moreover, it is a user-friendly, dynamically typed support for Graphical User Interface. Python is one of the simpler programming languages to learn and use, making it feasible to build and run scripts more quickly than other programming languages.

Enroll in JAVA Training in Chennai, which will help you understand Data Types, Operators, Variables, Methods, and Objects, etc. 

Who developed the python language?

Guido van Rossum created Python in the 1980s and designed it as a general-purpose language. The syntax’s simplicity, which makes it unadorned for beginners to read and understand, is one of the key factors contributing to Python’s success.

Python is an interpreted language, which makes it even more popular among all types of developers. It allows one to explore changing the code base quickly.

Mature and Supportive Python Community

Over 20 years have passed since Python’s inception. Since its establishment, many developing communities have utilized the python programming language for web development, game development, app development, and software development.

The Python programming language has many resources available to learners and developers of all ages and skill levels, which they may utilize to further their learning and get the help they need.

Any programming language that lacks developer assistance or documentation won’t see much development. Python, however, has never had issues of this sort and has been around for a very long period. One of the most vibrant programming language communities is the one for Python developers.

It implies that if someone has a problem with the Python language, they may obtain immediate assistance from developers in the community at all skill levels, from novice to expert. Getting assistance on time is essential to the project’s progress because delays could otherwise occur.

Are you intrigued by learning a demanding programming language? Join Python Training in Chennai and learn core concepts of python like Python dictionaries, Arrays, Strings, functions, and Python Exceptions Handling. 

The Language is Extensively used in Data Science

Whatever career route you select in the computer sector, data will always play a significant role. Since it was introduced in the programming world, it has given forth drastic changes among the developer and programmers and has been adopted by various fields like Data science. Python is used for data analysis in the data science field because the amount of data generated by data analytics tools is increasing daily. 

The data scientist must stay current with recent technological advancements to utilize the most cutting-edge technologies.

Python has Multiple Frameworks and Libraries

Python comprises various unique features compared to other programming languages. In particular, it is known for its thousands of libraries and frameworks. The developers and programmers utilize these libraries and frameworks for various development processes. 

Support from Renowned Corporate Sponsors

Programming languages are growing faster, and programming languages help write computer programs. For website development, application development, game development, app development, and running an automation process, programming languages are widely utilized by many developers worldwide. 

Due to the increasing demand for programming languages, many corporate companies hire candidates with programming languages like Python, Java, Javascript, C#, PHP, Ruby, etc. 

Join PHP Training in Bangalore, which will help you understand the data types in PHP, Embedding PHP Codes, PHP Coding Structure, Looping Structures, and many more. 

Companies that use Python for Back-end development

  • Netflix
  • Spotify
  • Uber
  • Pinterest

Companies that use Java for Back-end development

  • Airbnb
  • Google
  • Instagram
  • Amazon

Companies that use PHP for their back-end development

  • Facebook
  • Wikipedia
  • Mint
  • Tumblr

 Companies using JavaScript are

  • Airbnb
  • eBay
  • PayPal
  • Asana

Moreover, numerous companies utilize many programming languages for back-end development. 

When a business sponsor supports a language, its growth is accelerated. For example, Facebook’s back-end is developed by PHP, Java by Oracle, C# by Microsoft and Facebook, and AWS Google utilizes Python Programming language for back-end development. 

If you are interested in mastering the cloud computing platform, you can join AWS Training in Chennai and impart yourself with the cloud computing components, fundamentals of AWS, and cloud infrastructure management.

Since 2006, Google has used the Python programming language for various platforms and application development. The development and success of the Python language have received much institutional attention and funding from Google. Even a particular site designed just for Python is available. The list of Python language support tools and documentation is expanding for the world of developers.

The versatility of Python Libraries and Frameworks

Though we have lots of reasons for using Python, the main objective of using Python for development is due to its libraries and frameworks. The big community of Python keeps on introducing new features, and they are constantly adding various supportive features, which help in saving time and effort for the developer and programmer.

Python has more than 60000 libraries. Here we have included only ten standard libraries are:

  • TensorFlow
  • Scikit-Learn
  • Numpy
  • Keras
  • PyTorch
  • LightGBM
  • Eli5
  • SciPy
  • Theano
  • Pandas

For example, the TensorFlow library is used for Machine learning and application development. Furthermore, many cloud media services provide cross-platform support via tools like libraries, which can be quite helpful.

The Python programming language supports a wide variety of frameworks and libraries, including:

  • Matplotlib is used to create graphs and charts. 
  • Scikit-learn for machine learning applications
  • SciPy for scientific, maths, and scientific applications
  • BeautifulSoup for eXtensible Markup Language and hypertext markup language processing
  • NumPy for scientific computing
  • For client-side web development, Django is used
  • nltk for natural language processing 

There are libraries used for specialized purposes. 

Features of python programming language and the importance of Python

Interpreted, Portable, Efficiency, and Robust

If we ask any python developer, they would surely tell us that using a python programming language for various development processes is quickly accessible. Due to its efficiency, versatility, and robust Standard Libraries, Python is still considered a modern scripting language. 

Moreover, due to its unique Easy Code features, Python is used in any environment, and one who uses this will never face any interference or issue while working. It is used in the environment such as:

  •  Mobile applications
  •  Desktop applications
  •  Web development
  •  Hardware programming

Therefore, Python’s high number of applications and versatility make it more appealing.

Last but not least, Data scientists can use Python’s versatility for data visualization and manipulation. The web developer uses Python for developing or building the website. 

Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, and Big data

Big data, ML, and cloud computing are the most sought-after career and trending technologies in the science field. The increasing growth is due to the adoption of these technologies in the everyday workflow of many top companies. 

Utilizing these technologies in business will provide significant transformations in the world. R and Python is the most widely used data science and analytics programming language.                     

Since Python has so many advantages, including making it simple to organize and analyze reliable data, it is used for research and development.

In addition, thousands of machine learning projects employ hundreds of Python libraries daily, including OpenCV for computer vision and TensorFlow for neural networks. 

First-choice Language

Why do we use Python? And why Python is used. Since the Python programming language is in high demand in the development industry, it is the best choice for students, developers, and programmers. Students and programmers are constantly eager to pick up a language in high demand. Without question, Python is the current market’s trendiest programming language.

Many programmers and data science students use Python for their project development because of its features-versatility. One of the importance of taking a data science certification course is to learn data science with Python. 

From this perspective, the Python programming language may offer students many amazing job prospects. One can pursue several job possibilities and won’t be limited to one because of Python’s wide range of applications.

The adaptability of Python as a language

Python’s versatility enables experimentation with cutting-edge concepts by developers. In addition to making things identical, a Python programming expert may also try to develop unique things. When building applications, Python imposes no limitations on programmers. The unique features of flexibility and versatility are incomparable with other programming languages.

Academic use of Python 

Python programming language has become part of education in schools and colleges. It signifies its growth and development in the programming world.  

Moreover, the primary purpose of imparting into the education field is Python is used from data science to automation. Due to this, making it part of education is crucial. Python provides versatile features in artificial intelligence, deep learning, data science, etc. Moreover, Schools and universities cannot stop teaching Python since it has now integrated deeply into the development community.

In this way, Python has given wider career opportunities for freshers and professionals to pursue their careers as developers and programmers. Due to this, Python is expected to increase its growth and popularity.


Automation tasks are significantly simplified by the Python programming language’s availability of numerous tools and modules.

One may efficiently achieve a high level of automation effortlessly by employing the necessary modules of python programs. It is rousing to see how one can easily accomplish a high level of automation using the appropriate Python programs.

Python is an excellent performance booster for automating software testing as well. It is astonishing how little time and code are needed to construct automation tools once we get used to utilizing them.

Now that you might understand what is a python programming language, the features of python programming language, why Python is popular, and the importance of Python. So, if you are interested in learning such a demanding programming language, you can join a python course, which will help you understand the core concepts of python. 

Join Java Training in Bangalore, which will help you enhance your knowledge and apply it to your real-time projects. 

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