Ground Staff Training in Chennai

Looking for a job which can give you an opportunity to work in an airport and also be a part of any airline. Ground Staff Training in Chennai is a best-suited career in the aviation sector. In the aviation industry, there are many courses which can place you in a good position. As a ground staff, your job will include supporting the passengers with the tickets and baggage are in the airport during arrival and departure. Ground Staff will coordinate with the passengers regarding the availability of the seats and also the flight arrival and departure timings. As the Aviation is expanding the requirement for the ground staff are also highly in demand. India is also expected to grow by approximately by 450 million by 2020.

Airport Ground Staff Training Courses in Chennai have been increasing significantly due to the increase in the number of airports and airlines. There are various roles for the ground staff like Guest Service Personnel who will take reservations and verify the passenger’s ID cards and also issues the boarding passes, Guest Service Supervisor will oversee the work of the customer service agent and also respond to the passengers regarding the ground services. The passenger service staff takes the responsibility of administrating the customer service of the travelers the duties also include answering customer inquiries, ticketing and handling the baggage etc. Cargo Handling Staff manages the cargo team and ensures the safe and timely movement of all the cargo. This also includes loading, securing, unloading and staging of the baggage.

As India tops the list of highly populated countries the number of employees required for ground staff is of great demand. Airport Ground Staff Training in Chennai offers courses includes modules which are internationally recognized and thereby enhances the skills for the candidate to get placed in international airlines. We at Zeft Aviation offer courses that provide 100% job assistance with highly qualified and experienced trainers. Zeft Aviation provides a platform for those candidates those who think sky limitless. As a ground staff, you’re entitled to high salary package along with abroad travel concession and also other medical facilities. Employability rate is quite high in this sector and its growing every year since 2003. When compared to other sectors the job opportunities are numerous and also offers high package salary.

Apart from being the customer related roles that will be available in the airport, there is certain designation like Airport ramp agents they are also called as baggage clerk, fleet service agents who are responsible to load and unload luggage and cargo from the airport which also includes transportation. A belt conveyor is a vehicle specialized in loading the baggage’s using pulleys and belt to raise the cargo.